Germany’s IT Agency Reveals Flaws In iPhone Devices

5:13 AM Gaurav 0 Comments

A German IT agency has done what it did last year again, it has identified yet another flaw in the software running Apple’s iPhones, iPads and the iPod Touch. This flaw may soon become the entry door for criminals to access important data from the phone if not rectified quickly. This finding has come to light due to the release of the latest version of JailBreakMe
When you click on any infected PDF file or download it unknowingly, the device gets infected with malware and the user looses his control over the device. The criminal gains the administrator rights. The criminal can gain data from the device, account information, passwords, access to the pictures, GPRS data or even worse listen to all your conversations. The different devices which are prone to the attack are iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2 and iPod touch.
It is basically an application that allows users to gain full control of their device and add applications that are not approved by Apple. It requires a two step process. First, a remote exploit allows hackers to execute code on devices running the OS. Then it also gains administrative privileges. When Jailbreak is able to use this exploit to perform a function that the user wants, it is possible that the same technique can be used by a less friendly website to due intensive damage. When it comes to corporate networks jail broken devices are a bigger problem.
Apple is currently working on rectifying the flaw. Apple hopes to rectify the vulnerability in the next update but no time frame was specified. 
Apple has always tried to dissuade the users from using the JailBreakMe app and it is not yet clear as to what they are going to do to combat the use of JailBreakMe. One of the options available is to make the jailbroken devices useless with the next update. Apple did it in the September, 2007. But it is not going to be that easy this time because the use of JailBreakMe is no longer considered a DCMA violation. Apple seems to be in a tight situation right now. One will have to wait and see what are they going to come up with.
Source -  [ crazyenineers ]

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