iOS 7 Is Secretly Baby-Proof [Video]

1:05 PM Boom Blogger 0 Comments

iOS 7, even in its current beta stage, has drawn its fair share of criticism from those who’ve interacted with it, and although there have been some crumbs of positivity, plenty have stepped out to question some of the alterations from iOS 6. A clip recently posted to YouTuberather humorously magnifies some of these shortcomings, with a baby confidently using iOS 6 before looking at another device running iOS 7 with a degree of confusion.
Of course, iOS 7 beta is not so vastly different from its predecessor that most, if not all iOS 6 users couldn’t take the new look in their stride, but it certainly does Apple very few favors given how many long-time users have voiced their discontent with the new firmware.

iOS 6 vs 7
Although it would be silly to take this clip for anything other than a bit of fun, there’ll
be one or two users out there with a degree of empathy for this baby. All things considered, the second beta has been much better received by the masses than the inaugural release, and hopefully, by the time iOS 7 is ready for public consumption, most of the issues and problems users have continued to point out will have been eradicated.

iOS 7 baby

This time around, Apple has really wrung the changes, altering the interface almost completely in a move to eradicate skeuomorphism. Some like it, some love it, while others cannot see why the Cupertino company has gone so radical, but such is the nature of change. I have a feeling that once the dust settles, most iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users will be content, if not happy with the final version.

We will, of course, be keeping our eyes open and letting you guys know of any developments throughout the process of iOS 7, including any new beta releases. With support having recently been added to bring iOS 7 beta to the iPad, scores of individuals, including non-developers, have been keen to see what all the fuss is about.
Below, we’ve embedded the video of the baby struggling to get to grips with the new iOS 7 beta, and we can only hope the majority of you are not experiencing such difficulty with it!

source: redmondpie

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