How To Import Camera Roll Videos On iPhone Into Instagram For Sharing
Instagram is easily among the most popular networks for sharing photos, but with the video clip social spot Vine having grown quite rapidly in the past few months, Facebook has just brought a similar feature to its recently-acquired Instagram app. Although many users have jumped at the chance of sharing clips and thus, taken advantage of the new feature, it is not without its limitations. For example, there is no support for sharing short clips already filmed and saved to the media library, but as is often the case with minor quibbles, there’s a jailbreaktweak now available to remedy the issue. It is called InstaChooser, and you can catch the details after the break.
Once installed, you can configure it through the native Settings app, and the next time you decide to share a clip on Instagram, you will be met with a new ‘Import’ button. Tapping it will, as you would imagine, allow you to import video clips saved in your media library / folder, meaning you do not have to record something there and then in order to share a video with your army of followers. Sounds really neat doesn’t it?
The photos segment of Instagram allows you to share images and snaps from the vault, so we’d imagine Facebook has plans to implement something similar in due course. In the meantime, at least, if you are on iOS, the InstaChooser tweak will see you through, and if you are a hardcore
Instagram user, this is one you’ll want to pick up.
Naturally, you will need a jailbroken device in order to get started with this tweak, and you will also need the official Instagram app in order of the tweak to have any effect. It costs a mere 99¢ over at the BigBoss repository, which should be in your default list of Cydia Sources provided you haven’t opted to delete it manually.
Download it, give it a try, and be sure to let us know how you get on with it by leaving your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.
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