Best Buy Relaunched iPhone 4/4S Trade-Ins for 'Free' iPhone 5

12:18 PM Boom Blogger 0 Comments

Back in June, Best Buy ran a single day promotion that allowed iPhone 4 and 4S owners to upgrade their phones to the iPhone 5. The company told USA Today that it was the most successful day ever for its trade-in program and as a result, Best Buy plans to launch the campaign again on Friday, June 21. 

Customers will be able to trade in a working iPhone 4 or 4S, earning a credit of up to $150, which can then be put towards the purchase of an iPhone 5, which is priced at $149.99 for the 16GB version. The discounted price includes a $50 instant rebate that will last until the end of the promotion, on June 29. 
Prices include a two-year contract with Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint. Phones that carry atrade-in value over $150 will have the remaining value applied to a gift card, and the credit applied will depend on the phone's condition. Trade-ins over $150 cannot be applied to a higher capacity iPhone. 

The promotion, which will begin on June 21 and last for nine days, is only good in Best Buy Stores or Best Buy Mobile locations.

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