Apple Job Posting Suggests A Significantly Revamped Next-Generation Apple TV

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Web traffic numbers are always a good indication of not just how many handsets have been sold, but also how much people are actually using their respective devices. In years gone past, Web usage has leaned heavily in favor of Apple’s iOS, be that iPhones or iPads, but the gap has been closing.

New numbers released by a Web analytics firm show that not only has the usage gap between Apple’s devices and Samsung’s closed, but the flagship devices of both manufacturer are now almost neck and neck when it comes to internet usage.

The iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III hugely popular amongst
mobile surfers, and when both are compared side by side, the iPhone 5 accounts for 51% of traffic with the Galaxy S III obviously coming in with the remaining 49%. That’s about as close as it gets, and a massive improvement on the last set of figures released in October which saw Apple’s device boast an eight percentage point lead over its noisy neighbor.

When placed into the bigger picture, the stats have the iPhone 5 accounting for 6.6% of overall Web traffic for the latest period of statistics, with Samsung’s Galaxy S III making up 6.3% of the remainder. As a company, Apple’s iOS devices possess a 41.5% share of the mobile traffic being pushed around North America with the nearest competition coming from ‘other smartphones’,’ and Samsung bringing up the rear with 20.6%.

The findings come from millions of ad impressions inside the United States and Canada between February 1st and 9th.

What is clear from these new numbers is that both Apple and Samsung combined account for the vast majority of mobile Web traffic, with the likes of HTC, Motorola and LG making up the remainder. Samsung has positioned itself as Apple’s main competition in the marketplace, and it certainly feels like the chances are you’ll buy either an iPhone, or something with a Samsung logo on it the next time you buy a new smartphone.

Whether the competition can really compete at all remains to be seen. With Google’s acquisition of Motorola late last year, we’ll simply have to wait and see whether that move will see the phone maker make a resurgent comeback.

Otherwise it’s looking like being a Samsung and Apple branded world for quite some time.

(via redmondpie)

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