Launch Center Pro is a Speed Dial for Everything on the iPhone
Alternative launchers have long been a staple of power users, both on the desktop and mobile. As a result, the jailbreak scene is full of hacks for the SpringBoard launcher on the iPhone. AppCubby's latest release, Launch Center Pro, takes the speed dial concept for making calls to the next level.
Launch Center Pro is available on the iPhone for the introductory price of $2.99. [App Store Link]
Launch Center Pro creates lightning quick shortcuts to specific features burried deep within apps. Call a loved one, message a friend, launch Instagram’s camera to quickly snap a pic, tweet, or turn your iPhone into a flashlight. Launch Center Pro gets you to where you’re going faster than ever before!
The app uses URL shortcuts to pass tasks on to supported apps. Users can set up tasks to quickly load up a website, send an email, search Yelp, open an app, and more. The list of supported apps is lengthy, and will continue to grow as more developers add URL schemes to their apps.Launch Center Pro is available on the iPhone for the introductory price of $2.99. [App Store Link]
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