iOS apps running on BlackBerry PlayBook by crackberry
The past Saturday a developer posted some videos on Crackberry forum proving the iOS apps running on Blackberry Playbook via iOS Player. The video was posted by developer called businesscat2000 and then these were tested by forum members proving them real.
Developer explained his approach to the community members expressions below :
The CPU isn't emulated on Playbook (though it is on Windows). It works very similarly to how WINE works to run Windows applications on Linux. The app binary is mapped into memory and imports are resolved to point to my own implementation of the various APIs needed. iOS actually uses a few open APIs already, which Playbook supports just as well (GL ES, and OpenAL). The bulk of the work has been in implementing all of the objective C classes that are required. The ARM code of the applications run as-is - the armv6/v7 support on PB/iDevices are pretty much identical, and the code is designed to run in USR mode. No SWIs, GPIO accesses or any of that kind of shenanigans.
Pulling something like this off is a massive undertaking, so understandably the community pushed back with questions and doubt. Maybe these are just app video playbacks running in an app? Or maybe these are Android apps and not iOS apps as some of these apps are available on Android too?
Wanting to get to the bottom of this I have been in touch with the developer quite a bit since Saturday. And yes, everything seen so far is legit.
Test #1: I had him install an iOS app -- SketchMobile -- and draw out Hi CrackBerry on it on video (see below). No app streaming player here. I witnessed it.
Test #2: Just a few hours ago we sent the developer the iPhone app for our sibling site iMore. This is only an iPhone app and not available on any other platform. As you can see in the video above, he got the nuts of it up and running in less than hour. It's not pulling in images from the web, but the app loads and it is working. Huge.
Seeing is believing, and we have seen. There is more work yet to be done still. Right now it works best with API's under v4, and supports builds for universal binary or armv6. Right now it works best with apps like games, but apps that need UIWebView and CoreData, not so much yet.
Here are some videos of the iOS apps running on BlackBerry PlayBook
Source: CrackBerry Forums
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